
USN Chaplain Corps Logo
Indian Head, Maryland

Command Religious Program Religious Ministry Team 

Lieutenant Commander Ralph “Mickey” Weikel

Chaplain's Office


To provide religious support programs and services that build upon and enhance the spiritual readiness of military personnel tasked with responding to critical incidents involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high yield explosives.

1. Complete dedication to providing sustained spiritual support and readiness, contributing positively to the physical, mental, and emotional well being of all. 

2. Maintain the highest regard for assuring chaplain / religious program specialist confidentiality, respect for all, and military/pastoral professionalism. 

3. Focus on delivery of quality-sustained, efficient and effective spiritual support services to insure the best in spiritual fitness and readiness

Military Family Life Consultant

The CBIRF MFLC works in the office in the base Chapel during regular working hours, Monday - Friday. The MFLC can be reached at 703-414-9883 or through the Chaplain's office at 301-744-2088

• Masters or Ph.D. level, Licensed Clinical Counselors.
• Work with families, individuals, couples and children to provide non-medical problem identification counseling services.
• Address relationships, stress management, grief after loss, occupational and other individual, family issues and provide crisis intervention when needed.
• Work with existing Military Family Support programs to complement services provided.

  • Personality Insights - The CBIRF Chaplain is trained in the use of the Human Behavior Model, which enables individuals to identify their personality type based on four categories: dominant, inspiring, supportive, and cautious. The model is commonly referred to as DISC. It is very useful for couples and coworkers to assist them in learning about themselves and others.

  • Faith Lessons Bible Study - Twelve volume DVD series

  • CREDO - Naval District Washington CREDO activity provides weekend retreats of two types: Marriage Enrichment Retreats (MER), and Personal Resiliency Retreats (PRR). Schedules are available from the RMT office. Registration is through the Chaplain's office.

  • Marriage Classes - Marriage classes are offered monthly by the RMT as a one-day class from 0800 to 1600. Classes are held on the last Thursday of the month but the schedule is flexible. The class is based on the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) model. Follow-up sessions with individual couples are encouraged.

  • Community Service - Projects and opportunities are managed by the RMT office. There are two ongoing service projects: The Charlotte Hall Veterans' Home and the Indian Head Elementary School Mentorship Program. There are also seasonal and occasional projects available with liaison support from the RMT office.

  • Cognitive-Based Couples Therapy - CBCT-PTSD retreat for couples are specifically designed and offered to married couples with one member suffering from PTSD. It is provided by the Supervisory Psychiatric Nurse, the Intake Coordinator of Psychiatric Continuity Services, and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in conjunction with CREDO Naval District Washington. CBIRF personnel should talk to the Chaplain for general information as well as referral procedures.

Chemical Biological Incident Response Force